No more buying for me this year. I'm now up to 5 cars and 5 bikes plus the new car on order for the start of next year.
In fact I am probably going to be selling 2 bikes over the coming months, the silver Venture and either the yellow V-Star or the black V-star to make some space.
I did like the look of the Confederate bike at the custom show. Not the wraith, the hellcat combat I think it's called. When I come back from, Zambia I'm going for a test ride. It would have to be amazing to consider getting one this year though.
No fun if it don't LEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAN!.....Wonder if knee down track antics are possible...probably turns too quickly having a zero wheelbase!
I like the idea though, would be good in Tokyo where the congestion would make it practical. I also see someone has made a copy of the Akira that is cool!