No I didn't, I was too busy counting the passes, probably like most other folk. Shows how easy it is to miss the obvious when your mind is on other things. Like you say, makes you think, doesn't it.
Grrr... now I don't know if I saw it straight away cos my sense of awareness is better now or because I have seen a similar thing before. (with a girl dressed as a bee, and no I didn't see her the first time!)
Thanks for posting that Karey - I love these sort of things!!
lol TeeCee ...
seeing girls dressed as bees?!? were u at the madhatters tea party? or jus a normal night out down the boozer?
Aye.. I like these sort of things too..... Just hope it meks people sit back and think...
oops - got the passes right, but nope didn't see the bear! However, I did rerun the clip back from the beginning just to make sure it actually WAS there the first time......**me scynical??**