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new meet

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new meet

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Right to start with this is for the unsociable members who think it’s to far from them or we should hold the meets out side there door, put you addys up and we will meet out side your place<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p> Now lets get down to it anyone fancy a meet weekend after BMF maybe a ride out into Wales for the day. If so get back to me. If your going to wing that is too far or don’t like Wales then run your own <o:p></o:p> There are guys and ladies on hear tiring to do there best to make it good for everyone so stop winging and help out, sit on you bums and do nothing have a sad life get off it and enjoy what we all have. Sorry if the spelling is bad BUT THATS ME LIKE IT OR NOT

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vtrman1000 @ 26/08/2008 08:43  

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