following on from TC's post in the smutty corner..
May I be the 2nd to wish you all a
Very Merry Christmas
and all the very best for 2009 !
Eat, drink and be merry fellow BMers !!
Kaz xxxxx
YW TC...and i can't tell u, cos i went straight to door number 24... I kno, I kno.. impatient or wot?!? but boy was it worth it !! hehe
Okies XK...just mek sure its before i ave sumfin to eat.. dunt want bacon butty comin bak atcha !
* just realised TC dint actually mean the sexy virtual calendar my mate emailed me....ooops...*
Errmmm I dunno TC...the official Advent Calendar buyer is off today...and i ant opened my home one yet...on account of i ant bought one yet
Woooo hooooooo TC... ^^^^^^ that comment is not good wivout pics.. or at least a link!
TC said,...(I make a great tripod... )...
Not sure they actually want THAT kinda tripod for the shoot !
TM...if you wanna bar humbugs from your Christmas festivities then you do that laddy, just dunt fill up too much on the tin of Roses/Quality Streets etc..
Pah - I swim naked in waterfall pools in Winter... a little cold doesn't worry me!!
(hmmm.... I wonder where those pics are?)
Anyhoo, this thread isn't about how great I am!
Back to the festivities!!!
Guess where I'M going to be spending Xmas? Death Valley Bloody Hospital
Yeah - thanks for sorting out an early date and everything, appreciate it, but seriously? 22nd December? FFS. They reckon it's a 5 day stay. Oh joy. Oh wonder. Oh delight.
Also means I can't do the Dad run to get him HOME from hospital on Xmas Eve... (and that I'll still be out sick when the bossman goes on holiday on 9th Jan Bovvered?!)
ooh its christmasy christmas time!!!! i have burnt down my candle to number 1!!!! opened my advent calender and found a cracker!!!!!! (unfortunately, my calender is not a calender like Karey's.......( Damn!!)
TC.... "i make a great tripod!!!!!!!" cant begin to explain the mental images i have going through my head on that one!!!!! He He.. the risk of being rollocked, it aint Christmas yet
One of my neighbours has a wreath hanging at their front door already, and this evening I could hear fireworks going off... no wonder I'm confused lol
Can't WAIT for it to be finally sorted! I might even be able to start living again, instead of bimbling through day by day!
I've been gathering tips together on how to get myself sent home Xmas Eve... It's not the being in hospital that's so much of a problem... it's the fact that Mother will insist on driving the family over to visit... and she REALLY didn't ought to be driving these days I've got visions of having to wheel myself round to A&E to visit them!