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General Chat/Anything Goes

The Bah Humbug Thread

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The Bah Humbug Thread

 Posts: 10       Pages: 1/1

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well as the Merry Christmas thread has been started, then I will start this one. not everyone likes Christmas, So anyone else who thinks its over-rated tripe feel free to post here. I am spending Christmas on my own, under a duvet, and please no-one start saying "you shouldnt be on your own at Christmas, come over to us" I am looking forward to it, so thanks but no thanks

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Deleted User @ 01/12/2008 20:01  

Fancy swapping places with me then?

I'm going to be spending it in hospital by the looks of things... I'd MUCH rather be with my family and friends... I LOVE Xmas with my family!

Mum's already stressing and wondering if there's any way she can get my Dad over to see me... they've enough stress in their lives as it is... I don't like adding to it...

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Wannabe @ 01/12/2008 20:08  

Like you Frag I don't hold with xmas....I love giving prezzies anytime of year so the 25th is a no no ...why spend money on things that most folks don't really want anyway. In the past Xmas has always been a bad time for me in one way or another due to always losing those I held close to me as usual I will be on my own again so to speak cos even going to Egypt for xmas to be with my old biking buddies isn't the same as being with that someone special is it. sorry boring bit over

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Herne @ 01/12/2008 20:13  

Sorry to hear that WB hope its nothing serious.... Fraglette... Not looking forward to it that much myself . I'm working late shift that day......But here's something just for you.... Only 23 Days 03 Hours 43 Minutes 28 Seconds Till Christmas!

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Misty 1 @ 01/12/2008 20:17  

I would work Christmas day, but my company only shuts for 3 days a year, boxing day, christmas day and new years day. I really dont like Christmas, it was the last time i saw my dad alive, the last time i spoke to my "foster" brother before he died, and due to family conflicts i cant go to the family. Christmas is officially sh*te for some of us

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Deleted User @ 01/12/2008 20:39  

Its true what they say Fraglette You can pick your friends but you can't pick your family.. Hang in there kiddo ....... Just think you could be me and have your 40th birthday on Hogmany ( New Years eve, translation, for you folk South o the border)......... Now that I aint looking forward to ....

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Misty 1 @ 01/12/2008 21:02  

That's fair comment Frag.

A mate of mine has similar memories associated with Xmas, so she now spends her Xmases volunteering with a charity for the homeless... reckons it's the best thing she ever did... turned Xmas around for her, feeling like she's making just a little bit of a difference for those having an even worse Xmas than herself... and gradually she's building new memories for that time of year :o)

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Wannabe @ 01/12/2008 21:05  

You're getting me all morose and angry now. As in the previous years I'll end up buying and cooking the Christmas dinner all on my tod, washing the whole lot up all on my tod, for what's left of the family itching to get out and about.
Can't get to the pub for any serious carousing...been breath-tested three years on the trot (passed each time, but iu get the idea.)
So stuck in with obsterperous kids and wife on 48-hour leave from the loony bin who can't be left alone too long. Can't have any booze in the house cos she'll mix it with her meds to disastrous effect. God I hate Christmas.

*Mr Grumpy mode OFF*

Compliments of the season to you all :-)

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Wills @ 01/12/2008 21:21  

Misty, you've changed and I've only known you an hour!

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Wills @ 01/12/2008 21:23  

Soz got carried away .. Ok I'll quietn doon now..

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Misty 1 @ 01/12/2008 21:27  

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