Just a gentle reminder to everyone that the clocks go FORWARD tonight. So if you're arranging a meet up tomorrow - remember to set your clocks or you'll be late!
of course you can, it also means I will be winning lottery tonight so I need not work again and lie in glorious sunshine all summer!!
Think I need to wake up now!!
<ahem>...<sneaks in> they go forward at 2am sunday morning. I know this cos i'm at work and all hell usually breaks loose. But i get to finish an hour early(well i dont but you know what i mean) <sneaks out again>
I always thought it was 2am... I remember from nightclub working days... when they'd all try to convince us that we should stay open for another hour when the clocks go back
But the news people keep saying 1am today... well, tomorrow, but they're saying it today... oh now I'm confused... *goes for a lie down*
Yeah - I think you're right re the 2am bit - but wasn't that in the days when the UK went forward the week before Europe did?..(which was only a few years ago) - cos it used to be the 2nd to last weekend in March & then we got 'Europed' & it got moved to the last weekend in March & to 1am?
**starts thinking am being a bit of a geek here....sneaks out before anyone notices!!**
I know it was William Willett's proposal... this may or may not be connected to spending too much time in the "Daylight Inn" in Petts Wood when young and impressionable
So not geeky at all *ahem* Just underage drinking!