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Very gifted at most things d.i.y (no smut intended)

Very gifted at most things d.i.y (no smut intended) - Forums [Biker Match] Very gifted at most things d.i.y (no smut intended) - Forums [Biker Match]
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Very gifted at most things d.i.y (no smut intended)

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Due to there being no work at the moment I thought I'd give this a go. I've fitted full kitchens in the past including proper (butt and scribe) worktop joints, I can do basic plumbing (to a very high standard) tiling and electrics although I try to avoid these now as it's recomended you only use "qualified" tradesmen. My day rate was £100 but then my day was upto 16 hours lol, anyone need anything done please ask and I'll quote on a job by job basis. Andy

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Hull750Rider @ 14/05/2009 17:08  

Sounds like a good idea. Good luck. xx

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Bikerchick21 @ 14/05/2009 17:59  

Andy you should move round my way, I couldn't get an electrician or plumber at all to fit my shower, most were fully booked and some weren't interested cos the job wasn't big enough!. I ended up getting it fitted the unauthorised way. (shh... I never said that lol)

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Sandi @ 14/05/2009 21:26  

Thanks Sylv Have bike and trailer will travel :oD I was working when you was getting it all sorted hun I did see the postings.

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Hull750Rider @ 15/05/2009 00:02  

I have been in the same boat as Kwak. Took me over 15 months to find a tradesman that would repair my kitchen ceiling and re wallpaper most said they didn't want the work, what is it with tradesmen this work was not a small job in fact its cost a little short of £3grand. Now the wallpaper has to all come off again as the guy that did it has done such a botch job, been paid over a £100 to do it to. that was just labour, so now trying desperately to find a decorator just been let down again with the promise to come and look at the job then a telephone call on the day he should have come to say can't get there. So wish you all the best HR I am sure you will get some work if my experience is anything to go by, people will be begging you to do jobs for them.

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Cruiser gal @ 15/05/2009 21:24  

How far do you travel? Cos my sink is blocked.

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Matt @ 16/05/2009 13:25  

Well Matt if you pay my travel lol

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Hull750Rider @ 16/05/2009 13:53  

How far do you travel? Cos my sink is blocked. You haven't been chucking the chip pan oil down it have ya Matt? Mind you it's probably the best thing to do, knowing your record for setting fire to chip pans

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Sandi @ 16/05/2009 15:00  

haha leave me alone!

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Matt @ 16/05/2009 15:52  

hey HR get tha sen t aggregate and sort out me zumo, you may poss hear the swearing if you open an east facing window!

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julie j @ 16/05/2009 16:16  

What's up with it hun and I'm not fre sath yorks tha nos

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Hull750Rider @ 17/05/2009 20:27  

And I'm East of you so me opening an East facing window.... possably not the best way of hearing you. So that's how bad the Zumo is eh?? Thinks Hull is West of you mmm that is bad ;o) lol

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Hull750Rider @ 21/05/2009 16:02  

no thats how bad i am!! so you can see i need all the help i can get! your wiring is still going strong for the tom tom though and thats never let me down.

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julie j @ 21/05/2009 16:05  

Well I allways try to perform to the best of my abillities Julie :oD

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Hull750Rider @ 21/05/2009 16:11  

y did a damn fine job matey! tasty bangers too mmm

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julie j @ 21/05/2009 20:02  

Only shop bought (just well chosen and a bit of chefly advice helped too lol) the guy who was going to buy the Herse has been put on a 3 day week so cannot buy her now so i'm going to try take her to farmyard and see if anyone wants to buy her there.(I'm working as a Marshall so should not be a prob)

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Hull750Rider @ 22/05/2009 12:35  

(I'm working as a Marshall so should not be a prob)

That's what I thought. Wrong! "No cars, no pedestrians, no excuses"

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Wannabe @ 22/05/2009 12:39  

Well as marshalls take caravans Wannabe I do not see a prob (I'm going to be there from thurs to monday helping out)

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Hull750Rider @ 22/05/2009 12:43  

I was supposed to be marshalling last year and was told in no uncertain terms I was not to turn up in my car.

As it turned out, I didn't bother going as I had to go to hospital on the Saturday (& thank goodness I did!), but there's no way I'll ever volunteer for that lot again. Utterly ridiculous. Not permitted to turn up in a tiny Ka, when they allow huge great trikes PLUS trailers to their events.

I wish I'd known last year that some marshalls take caravans! I'd have given them a bloody great piece of my mind (which I can ill afford to do!) Eejits. Better check to be on the safe side... Maybe they have one rule for favoured marshalls and another for mere mortals?

(Not a MAG fan in case I'm in any way unclear on this post! )

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Wannabe @ 22/05/2009 12:50  

They want it to be a bike only event the bulk of trikers tend to be disabled in some way or other but still want to have the general feeling of freedom a bike affords, and I hate having to go by car (not by choice you know why) I've Marshalled for the last 3 years and allways gone on my bike (yes and I tow a trailer with it too maybe not a purest but I like a few extra comphorts like being able to stand up in the tent I take) and will in the future, I still camp with the general population as I prefer it that way. I support MAG for their constant fighting for bikers rights. I do not allways aggree with all the rules but generally I do. Anyway that's enough of politics, I'm not taking the pee and hope most will see it that way.

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Hull750Rider @ 22/05/2009 13:30  

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