Wow...just had a reeeet storm! was thundering and leetning together!! wicked!
But.............. it knocked tinternet off !! grrrrrrrrrr Just tekken me ages to get it back on!
Anyone else have the storm?
omg please keep it there, ever since my house got hit several years ago I am totally petrified of storms and just go and sit or drive around in my car until it goes away.
I have even been know to sleep with my trainers on because I was convinced the rubber soles would protect me.
awwww @ Dips! Don't worry I think its moving north, it was down your way before we got it up here. :o)
I know what you mean about the rubber soles tho .. I med sure i put mi crocs on before i shut the kitchen window ;o) heheh
Karey I even used to unplug everything, turn mirrors around and not even use the phone or have the lights on. When the house was hit we didn't suffer major damage, it just made the dial on the washing machine spin round, the tv booster blew, the house alarm solder all melted and the alarm couldn't be turned off.
was at squiers 7.25 got a text (reet storm here)thank you weather girl text'r said to lads next to me bad storm on its way looked at me, strange man i could see them say
and two mins later small drops of rain car park went from 10 bikes to 2 in less than a min
got back home at 9 boots full of water but what a fab ride out
We had a good un in Ripon bout 9:20ish , was sat on couch drifting in n out o sleep mode , bang crash , even felt the rumble , thought 1 o kids had fell out o bed , races upstairs n their racing down screemin their heads off , it's a thunder storm .
Switched PC of quick smartish , save modem gettin fried . Last rumbles died out bout 10ish .
eldest son was sat in car park at mcdonalds and thunder made all cars shake and all the alarms went off, i just sat at home and quietly had a heart attack