been round all the neighbours they either dont know who it is or they are not answering the door.
I have stuck a note on the windscreen and hopefully whoever owns the car will see it and move it.
I dont want to take the car if I can help it as coming back on the motorways bank holiday monday early evening will be hell!
Anyone with any consideration for others knows not to park in front of an access to property. I get it all the time, folk parking in front of my gate.
Put a 'Park here and I will CLAMP it, £100 fee to release it' sign up on your front wall / garage door lol
Had a car outside my house for a week once that no-one knew owt about. Police weren't helpful cos it was taxd and tested and hadn't been reported stolen, and wasn't blocking anyone's driveway, but it just meant I had to park up the road. Turned out it was someone who'd gone on holiday via Liverpool Airport and didn't want to pay long term car park charges!!! I'd have nicked his bloody hubcaps if I'd known. Wheels even.
Thing is you cannot put clamping notices up if they have parked on a road, only on private property.
You only have right of acccess if you have a dropped curb outside your house (which would cost me about £1000 to have installed) If the car is taxed and tested you cannot prevent them parking on the road.
It only forms an obstruction if it blocks the road to such a degree that an emergency vehicle cannot pass. Or it is blocking access (designated by a dropped curb). Or it is parked in such a manner as to prevent another legally parked vehicle from moving. (because i do not have a dropped curb, my bike does not qualify as legally parked)!
Crikey that don't seem fair does it? Folk allowed to park in front of your access to your own home/garage
I never knew that. I always assumed if it was an entry to your home then folk weren't supposed to park there.
The amount of parking on some pavements means that the kerb drops eventually lol
Shall I bring the my ambulance down your road?? We have people parking outside the Red Cross ambulance station in Liverpool. As it a non-retained station in Toxteth we don't have notices up telling people that emergency access is required. we just have no parking signs posted.
When the local hippy cultural center down the road has an event on inconsiderate numpties park outside the station so we can't get in or out. We no have an arrangement with the police. If the entrance is blocked the police will tow the vehicle. Mostly if we can't get in we block the cars in with the ambulance and sit off i n the station until we get another shout. one parent and their little carrot crunching asbo sat in their car for an hour and a half. She was right pissed to find we were sitting in the station all the time.
Dont know what the score is here, but the guy over the road paved his whole front, so had the council out to extend the dropped curb, would he have had to pay for that? Also, just down the way, theres a bit thats meant to be a turning point, but it also has dropped curb one side for drive access. People where parking in it and I dont know how, but hes had the council out to paint a white line against the dropped curb side, even though theres plenty of room for him to get in and out even if someone does park there. Again, would he have had to pay for line painting, even if he couldnt prove his drive was being blocked, just obstucted?
Actually, should we start a new "Parking rules" thread?
why Stew?
PP, you know that you can get an ambo down my street even tho they have parked in front of gate. They now put zig-zag lines on the other side of the street due to the school.
Well alls well that ends well, went to BSB in the car, didnt get stuck in traffic, and stayed dry, as it rained on the way home.
Car still parked there tho ........... grrrrrrrrrr
Canvas your local MP about getting a drop down installed and then keep on at them. If they won't install a drop down ask for a short length of double yellows spanning the gate. The council can implement such things as they are cheaper than installing a drop down. You just have to put a case to the council. I have seen short double yellows outside a few locations in Liverpool. Mainly to keep an access way similar to yours clear. Why don't you turn the camera around ans record the driveway to see who owns the car when they remove it.