Now I know it's only recently that we went to Tan Hill, but at the end of today's "Disorganised Chaos" ride out (brilliant by the way, cheers Dugald), a few people mentioned they'd never been.
Suddenly it was therefore agreed that we'll meet XK (and whoever) at Richmond next Sunday and have a ride to Tan Hill.
I'll post it up on the events with a suggested meeting time of 11.30 in Richmond aiming to get to Tan Hill around 12.30/13.00.
(Please note they stop serving meals at 14.30.)
We'll be taking a nice route from Pontefract/Squires area if anyone wants to tag along, leaving at 9.30. This will be a nice route but part of it is liable to be on motorway for time.
Any thoughts? Is 11.30 at Richmond ok?
yaaaayyyy Thanks Geoff May have to scab a lift for this one though - IF my bike's working by then am not sure I fancy riding all the way up there (yet!!)
It's a long way hun. Ok, it's only slightly further than Whitby, but a 125 route would really have to go through Harrogate and Ripon which would be a long ride.
If you make your way to Squires, I am sure we can sort you a pillion seat, even if that means little legged me lol!!
Could we go somewhere and have a BBQ?
Those picnic ones in foil containers are not bad. Sausages etc dont take up too much room and if the weather is good , we could all enjoy the sun set.
Or.. there might be a pub that would put on a barbie for us.
Please discuss!
Napoleon, you're a genius!
I think the issue with keeping stuff "fresh" etc may be problematic, so therefore prob better to have something arranged, but a great idea all the same
This is on the events now.
Barbeque??? Brilliant idea ... getting something arranged with a pub may be difficult now, but there should be room for a couple of those disposable things and some sausages I'm sure.
If we're serious about a BBQ (although I'm not sure the weather is going to be good enough on Sun, 13 degrees in Penrith but closer to 20 in Leeds) then I've got a coolbag that (I think) will fit in a topbox which should keep some bangers etc fresh enough.
HFG , XK & Roachy,
I promise not to get lost again. Can you believe that someone in the middle of the ride line can get seperated.(silly billy me )
Def fancy being tied up with some bungee.!!!