Is it just me or is there a time lag on the site? I read a post in a topic and seconds later there was another post but it was posted FIVE minutes earlier!!
Matt, what do you mean 'more specific' only thing I didn't add was the time but it happened more or less minutes before I posted.
My computer clock keeps the same time as my mobile and that was accurate with the speaking clock.
Merry Christmas Everybody!!!
There's always one smart alec
Not really a solution cos they still differ lol
My computer is accurate with the speaking clock so the site time is out by 5 minutes, not a tragedy I KNOW but it confused me when I was reading the LATEST posts, or so I thought
It's a well known fact that the speaking clock has been set 5 minutes fast by Alistair Darling, in an effort to get more hours for no money out of all the workers. It's part of the Recession Recovery Plan. I thought *everyone* knew that!