it was a cold and lonely night, the kind of night which made you wish you'd put your big knickers on and that your name was shirley. he came into my office with a look on his face that spelled trouble, i could tell what he wanted but thought it only................
If I look in the mirror when I read the dictionary upside down wearing only my favourite big knickers that I borrowed from Shirley who is my auntie Sheila's bestest mate ........
Butrole ....... que ce que c'est??. C'est mon pantaloons my good man.
And attractive - that is surely an understatement.....
Mai Oui. My scrabble game appears to have come unravelled...
Call the AA ........
(I've no idea what zzr has just said lol, but to continue)
Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Outside stood a very nice man. A very, very nice man.
said the very, very nice man!
"You think that's bad," said Shirley's sister, "I ordered a full underwear collection, but these are just pants." At which point she lifted the huge knickers slightly.
at which point the nice man. The very very nice man who had previously looked quite puzzled broke into a massive smile..... Well my dear, he said......
"...gather more wood first. Besides, where would we get hold of a donkey at this time of night?"
He pursed his lips.
"Typical! Just like the time we tried to...."
that he needed to be quicker or XK would make his lengthy contribution useless.
And next to that he found the thing he knew would change their lives forever. He looked at her and saw the approval. No going back. He reached in with both trembling hands, cupping the prize, his breath deepened and stuttered in time with his racing heart. "Pass the....