why is it that all online members are not shown when the ''All online members'' button is activated.. today there were 144 but i was only shown 88 of them..
Ninja - it''s only thos online members that have been 'active' within the last 20 mins...ie they've been active on the site as opposed to just exiting without logging out properly. ...or just going away for a while...other sites, doing other stuff etc etc etc
Matt did originally set it up so that if you weren't active for a while the site would automatically log you off, but I think he gave up on that. So to save on processing, it only shows active people within the last 20 mins.
TC is correct, only shows those with ENABLED profiles, ENABLED accounts AND at least 1 uploaded photo.
Active = You've refreshed a page in the last 15 minutes I think.
The site never "logs you off". Each time you load a page on BM, it updates a little field in your account which states the last time you were active. The list you see is simply all those who's "Last Active" time is greater than NOW minus 15 minutes.