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BM Website Issues/Help Requests

25,000 members!

25,000 members! - Forums [Biker Match] 25,000 members! - Forums [Biker Match]
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25,000 members!

 Posts: 38       Pages: 1/2

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Finally did it, we've reached 25,000 members after 3 years online! And I think we've come a long, long way over the past year or two. Many new features, a recent redesign, lots of bugs and security issues resolved etc. Thanks to everyone for being so involved, organising events and enjoying the company of other bikers all year round. Here's to another great year with you all!

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Matt @ 01/02/2010 11:52  


That's great Matt - well done !!!

I'd like to add my appreciation for all your hard work on the site Matt.

You make it a fun and safe way to meet new friends and have a jolly good giggle !!!!!!!!

Thanks for bringing us all together

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46Rossi @ 01/02/2010 12:03  

Yep cheers Mr Boss Man job well done i wud say, what number am i by the way lol

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Brummie Jackie @ 01/02/2010 12:09  

Great Work Matt, well done. I know how much work goes on in the background, and it really shows on the site.

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Bandit_Mr_P @ 01/02/2010 12:39  

25,000 members? Matt! Will ya lend me some money?

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Sandi @ 01/02/2010 14:38  

Well done Matt , and everyone else involved, for your hard work and for bringing us all together

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Nutkin68 @ 01/02/2010 14:53  

Hey Kwak, if just 1% paid then I'd be happy! lol BJ, you're number 21248 (hover your mouse over any picture of you on the site and look where it says user_id = 12345)

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Matt @ 01/02/2010 15:01  

Well done Matt,

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bikerbitch @ 01/02/2010 15:10  

wahooo i feel so special now :)

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Brummie Jackie @ 01/02/2010 15:12  

good on ya biker match peeps. see if you can organise gig/rally for 25000 biker match

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Deleted Member @ 01/02/2010 17:32  

Well Done Matt and the Mottley crew for keeping is happy and in love!!

I only posted this to see what number I am LOL

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moonstone @ 01/02/2010 17:52  

According to my number you have doubled in 18 months ish !!

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moonstone @ 01/02/2010 17:53  

yea the last year has been pretty slow. We had about 70 new members per day at one point, but now only around 15 if we're lucky. Think there must only be 25,000 online UK bikers lol.

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Matt @ 01/02/2010 19:15  

Here's how the new users count looks each month since going live in summer 2007. Note the obvious drop every winter and peak every summer...

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Matt @ 01/02/2010 19:26  

My user id is 6922, feel like part of the fittings/ fixtures

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Nutkin68 @ 01/02/2010 19:33  

LOL way to go Matt ... all the work is paying off

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Deleted User @ 01/02/2010 20:51  

don't think i'm a member, does't work fo me, can't get a number!!!

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Bikeabill @ 01/02/2010 20:56  

Yr 14803 Bill

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darkcarnival @ 01/02/2010 21:02  

I think it's all a tax dodge. other than the 40 odd people that have been and gone in the forums, i've got no evidence that the rest actually exist and my number is 4984. Tried talkin to all the others but no reply. Hmmm, i wonder why?

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bluesbiker @ 01/02/2010 21:02  

I'm that good, or really sad????

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darkcarnival @ 01/02/2010 21:03  

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