Welcome Roo, dont worry about the medication, you get used to it after a couple of months or so.
Watch out for the straight jackets though, the straps are a bit tight.
Can i go back to my room now nurse. tra la la!
Hi Rooster roo and welcome to the club.
We don't have medication anymore, we have straight jackets, kept in the cupboard of the chat room. We only insist on the buckles being done up if the wearer gets a bit over-excited
Don't you believe them ,Roo. I'm still wandering around trying to find my way out. Keep your back covered at all times and refuse any sweeties ! Have fun :>
eyup Roo - welcome to BM
if you do find the straight jackets, remember the one with the brass buckles is BJ's - if you nick hers she may sit on ya till you give it back!
**HFG wanders off muttering (yet again)...Hobbits, we're being taken over by Hobbits!!.....**
Jackie - we stopped the meds ages ago, we have to donate the whole supply to some fund at keepjackiestable.com (and it's nothing to do with Jackie's TABLE!)
Welcome aboard roo!