RustyKnight In: Newton Aycliffe
Posts: 2462
There's only 8 weeks to go to the years friendliest rally and we're looking for friendly volunteers to get involved in the odd 2 hour stint of marshalling.
If you're new and you've never done it before it's nothing more than putting on a high viz vest and walking round the site helping out with the smooth running of the weekend. It will give you a chance to meet lots of people on and off here and if you're prepared to do 4 two hour stints over the whole weekend you'll be refunded your ticket price and you'll be invited to the Sunday night marshall party giving you an extra day of rally fun although a single two hour stint or anything in between will be greatly appreciated .
There's an application form on the site or you can register your interest on this thread. If you have any questions PM me and either myself or one of the other organisers will do our best to help