I've fixed the problem of duplicate private messages being sent when you only intend to send the one.
I've also added some more monitoring stats to various areas of the site. This is to protect you all from abuse from other members.
If you notice anything that you don't think is right, or errors start appearing where they never used to, then please let me know asap.
Thanks everyone
Forgot to add that I'm going to add a restriction to the amount of PMs that can be sent per minute/hour/day.
This will be to prevent those ***** that use my work to spam thousands of people phishing for email addresses.
As it is, you can send 3,000 PMs in 5 minutes if you wanted, but this needs to change.
However, I'd like input from you all on this matter. How many PMs should a user be able to send per minute/hour/day?
Try to ballance protection from spammers with site usability.
I think 1 PM every 4 minutes should be fine. You?
Ummm seems to be a problem sending any PMs at all at the moment.
I'm trying to reply to someone and I keep getting an error type message....the message I am sending doesn't show up in my "sent" box so i'm guessing its not being sent. Tried 3 or 4 times now and just keep getting the same message about some value or something being missing .
Any one know whats going on? Are we all having probs with PMs today or is it just me??
Here is the error message I'm getting....
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e10'
No value given for one or more required parameters.
/sites/bm/myaccount/pm/newpm.asp, line 76
ok this is getting wierd.....it just let me send one successfully but now is doing the same error thing again.
is this because you are limiting the PMs Matt???
Some help, when you have time, would be much appreciated.
no ive not limited anything yet, only change i made was the way PMs are recorded to the database. This was to prevent the duplicate PMs being sent (Which has been a problem in the past. You sent 1 PM and the recipient receives it twice).
Ive sent 20 PMs and not got the error message.
Are you putting a subject and body in the email?
Ok ive tried everything to break it...
Including using a bad username, no username, no subject, no body, nothing at all... none give me the error.
Really worried theres something wrong now, but i cant find out what.
The error message would indicate that something isn't filled in
Dammit i still cant replicate the error you're all getting
I need to know, if possible, who you are sending PM to, what the title is, and what the content of the PM is. Send it me via the contact page if its private.
Okies - thanks for your time Matt.
I gotta go to work now but I'll try sending again laters when I get home (about 9:30ish) and see what happens. I'll report back and let you know how it goes.
ok everything is fixed now. Tested in a test environment and now implemented into the live environment.
Private messages no longer get duplicated when sending
The errors received earlier today have been fixed
Extra information is now collected about the sender, to protect members from abuse
The "Submit" button has been changed to "Send Message" as this apparently caused some confusion for some users (Cough LAURA cough!) lol.
You can no longer send a message to the same person within 10 seconds of previous message, to prevent users from double-clicking on Send Message (You wouldn't believe how many people do).
As always, any problems just shout loud!
Another change implemented...
In the past, if you sent a PM to someone and they deleted it, it would disappear from your sent items (As the database record was deleted).
This is no longer the case. If someone deletes a message you sent them, you will see it in your Sent Items still.
This has caused a lot of confusion in the past for obvious reasons, and people were rewriting PMs unnecessarily.
I'm on a roll now... must be the weather! Watch this space
Nope, made more changes (as per previous request that ive not got around to)...
Every profile now contains...
Last visit date
Join date
SUBSCRIPTION STATUS! i.e. Is someone able to reply to your PMs
Come on hit me with some more whilst im in a good mood lol