Mag put this link up in an email this last week we only have 3 days to get as many people to fill this form out to protect your rights to individualism, freedom, and to belong a less of a nannying state!
Things this could effect include fitting 3rd party parts to your bike! That includes but is not only Racks, luggage, pipes, screens, fairings, shockers, jets, power commanders, scott oilers, seats in fact ANY modification including alarms and heated handle bar grips could also be included!
Building a trike or a chop, re tests if any of the above are done a re test if you sell your bike, road side testing and decabel testing of pipes/engine emissions, again this is not just restricted to these things listed here!
Please Please Please I implore you to protect your freedom! follow this link and fill out the form if you feel strongly about any of these things listed! If you feel it is a waste of time remember what happened with the new test centres and how many new bikers there are less as a result of this and those who were injured trying to perform certain parts of the test when all our govt had to say was hang on a min why are we testing at 50KPH when our urban speed limit is a lower 30mph?;h=8f1e4
The thing is brigadoon they allways love to meddle with things so if this is brought in we could end up having a far more rigorous test that is performed twice a year and then road side stops added to the mix so it'll be like the "old days" where a copper can and will pull you any time he chooses with no probable cause to do so hence harrassing the crap out of us!
I've stated before that my own bike is road worthy and legal but being stopped several times in a journy could be the result of all this.
The other thing on the back of this is they can then more easily get us to adhear to the more stringent type approval (our own MSVA is good enough) as is our level of MOT
From what I can tell this is little more than the EU trying to rationalise vehicle inspections across the continent. This is because some EU states have a far less stringent inspection regime to others but drivers from these states are allowed to take their vehicles to those states where the regime is stricter.
Everything I can read on it suggests this is being done in order to improve road safety ... and as such this has to be a good thing. But I would say that, after all I'm a fan of type approval!
In theory, unification of regulations can't be a bad thing.
I do believe it's the thin end of a potentially very thick wedge.
Once unified, what's to stop ever tightening rules from faceless, unelected beureaucrats in Brussels ?
On past performance the UK will bend over backwards to comply in every detail, while half of Europe laughs and ignores the lot.
While type approval might get rid of the real cowboys, it'll mean that any deviation from a manufacturers spec will have to be approved, certified, and eventually possibly even fitted by an trained technician.
Guess who'll pay for that.
Individuality could effectively become a thing of the past.
Sorry Kwak the other link on the other thred should be working. I put the facebook one up because I'd tested it and it worked fine!
Well put Rob.
Erm .. Hull, 50kph is 30mph give or take 1mph.
Geoff it's More than 30mph that's why they had to build off road test ctrs at great cost and loads of inconvieiance to potential new riders! But if someone had actually looked at it with a critical eye they could have saved an awful lot of our money (yes ours as it's all paid out of our taxes) and the tests could have been conducted at training sites or at existing test ctrs!
Geoffb2005 said
"But I would say that, after all I'm a fan of type approval!"
take a look at the future this is what we will all be riding if type aproval gets its way ! they will make all bikes in the same jelly mould
so if you like the freedom of motorcycling then go fill in MAG's form its the least we can do !!
cheers Hull750rider for the post ive filled it in
Hull ... Yes, 50kph is 31.06mph, so therefore higher than 30mph. But it could be argued that the 85th percentile of speed on uk urban roads is still 59kph. As such doing a test at say 20mph or even 25, may not be realistic.
Surely they built off road test centres because it was an off road test? Not sure it would be safe to ask a learner rider who has never been on the road before (other than their CBT) to join traffic and then do a swerve test.
The 50kph speed isn't based purely on european speed limits but also on uk design speed, something we have been doing for over 20 years.
Design speeds in this country have been 50, 70, 90, 100 and 120kph since 1983.
Ok maybe I over simplified to get a point accross Geoff but it's still, the swerve test in it's shelf needs looking at anyway because of the number of quite serious accidents, (they even say it's now not to be performed if the conditions do not allow) that makes a bit of a mockery of the whole thing, what next?
Anyhoo thanks for those of you who've been and looked and even filled these out hopefully enough of us "freedom fighters" will make brussels at least think!
And our MP's take note we are not a set of sheep to be hearded in just any old direction that they please to send us!
"the swerve test in it's self needs looking at anyway because of the number of quite serious accidents"
I certainly would agree with that Hull. On a slight tangent, I'm a little unsure from a professional point of view as to necessity of a "swerve" test anyway. Certainly swerving could allow you to avoid a collision, but I suspect the opportunities for this in reality are fairly small.
However, if a swerve test is deemed necessary, then fair enough. However, it should be undertaken at a speed considered appropriate by the examiner and if the student does not reach such a speed then they should be allowed a second attempt.
,When are people going to realise that you are now citizens of the EUSSR and as such you will be told what do by the EUSSR government in Brussels whether you like it or not. There's an army of jobsworths out there just waiting to make you comply with any directive nodded through our so called parliament for example Hato's , PCSO's,, Vosa Stoppers, Civil Enforcement Officers, Safety Partnerships, and god knows how many more, all 'officers' of EUSSR Agencies set up to enforce EUSSR legislation. You can moan as much as you like about anti bike legislation promoted in the name of the great god 'safety' You wont make any difference unless you do something more than talk, and by the way the measurement of roads in the not now united UK is still in miles not kilometers,Sit back and let ACPO, Road Safety Partnerships do the talking for you, you probably won't like what they will say but by then it will be to late and guess what, you won't be riding a motorcycle. You may be permitted a bi-cycle as that's very green, but even then you will have to take a 'bikeability ' course and wear Hi-viz and a helmet. It's time to stand up and be counted!
Completed the survey - Hope they take notice (not holding my breath)
I, for one, don't really want to have to take my bike for a re-test after having fitted a replacement indicator or a new mirror
road-side spot-checks specifically for motorcyclesinspection of after-sale upgrades, replacement parts and modificationsEU member states to swap information about individual vehiclesadditional inspections whenever the vehicle changes handsincreased test fees (up to 30% extra)all EU countries to adopt the harshest test conditions currently found in any member state.
Got the quote from