Decrease in accidents since Swindon's cameras are switched off There’s been a decrease in road accidents in Swindon since the town’s safety cameras were switched off, according to a report in The Sunday Times. The Times reports that in the period August 2009 to July 2010 there were two serious accidents, 14 minor accidents and no deaths along the stretches where the four cameras used to operate. In the previous 12 months there had been one death, five serious accidents and 15 minor accidents. Anti-camera campaigners argue that the results show that the benefits of safety cameras had been exaggerated, and that drivers are safer when allowed to use their own judgement. Supporters, however, say there is too little evidence to justify these claims, and that many drivers may still be slowing down because they do not realise the standing cameras have been switched off. Phillip Hammond, transport secretary, said on Radio 4’s Today programme: “Speed cameras are a part of road safety concerns that local authorities need to need to decide on, not someone in Whitehall dictating Labour-style. Of course speed is a factor in accidents but there are many other factors.” Swindon councillors say the new statistics vindicate their decision. Roderick Bluh, council leader, claimed that Swindon had “never seen a drop (in accidents) like this before”.
Unfortunately, due to the current economic climate, and as they are an everlasting cash cow, I can't see Camerons crew making any reductions in them. If anything, they'll probably commission more.
hmm maybe a good lawyer (or bad one however u look at it) could use the statistics in court to say safety cameras had contributed to an accident. you would only have to win one case against a local council and cameras would be history - dream on lol
I suspect the reason for the fall in accidents where the cameras have been switched off, is a simply one,
Drivers are actually watching the road and whats happening in front of them, instead of watching the speedo and thus not rear ending the car in front
We will never get rid of these damn revenue cameras sos' the naysayers will always believe they are the reason for less deaths, and that speed actually is a direct result of dying and not the fact they have no ability to drive,
If speed was the only factor we'd all be dead the second the speedo went over 30mph, i must be speaking from beyond in that case.... spooky
That's really the nub of the problem isn't it Blade? The whole anti-speed crusade does nothing to improve standards of driving/riding or observation skills.
Back in the day, if you were caught by a real life police officer, he/she had the power of discretion... A camera never takes into account the fact that you were speeding at 4am on a straight stretch of dual carriageway with no side turnings & no other vehicles on the road...