god dammit, again. The weather is perfect one minute, for weeks, and then its lashing it down. Its not planned to be raining for the rest of the week. HOW DEPRESSING when you have to ride the bike everyday as well.
Was hoping to have a little ride out on my own tomorrow to relax a bit, doubt it now.
Is it the same everywhere in the UK? Or just here on the Pennines?
its been cludy and windy here ( nottinghamshire ) all day.
had a few spots of rain at 4ish but thats about it, more rain on the way though..
have a good B/holiday people
Quote Matt:
god dammit, again. The weather is perfect one minute, for weeks
PML that's a neat trick Matt...fitting one minute into weeks...how's that work then?
Over cast and very windy here (Huddersfield) today then a rain shower that didn't last long.
Next bulletin? when hell freezes over, which could be any time if you're going by Matt's calculations