Is anyone on here in the merchant navy or been in the merchant navy ? Looking for some advice, as my eldest son is setting off down this road as a career.
Please PM me if you can offer any advice on a few questions I have for you.
Hi drift, im new to the site but am currently in the Merchant Navy working as a Chief Officer on a UK ship working in the carribean. Drop me an email / PM and I'll do my best to help out.
I spent several years in the RFA, which was merchant navy but run by the MOD to supply and refuel warships.
I left almost 20 years ago so things would be different now, but if I can answer any questions, fire away!
Ok... So he has completed his first year as an apprentice electrician, but unfortunately due to the economic situation he is finding it hard to get an employer to continue with this. The daft thing is, you can't even continue with the theory part without a full time employer. He has now decided that its not worth the effort, and is going back to school to do his GCSE Physics, then A levels which seems to be a mandatory requirement for an officer in the Merchant Navy. The aim and aspiration is to become a 2nd ETO and the prospect of becoming a 1st ETO within a few years. As he has already started in the field of electrics, this seems to be the logical way forward to get his training and have a definite job and career at the end of it. Passenger vessels is what he is interested in, and sponsorship from a shipping company to put him through college as an ETO cadet.