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Jokes, Games & Silly Things

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FOR HIRE: Pundit, looking for work in Middle East, Iran/Saudi etc, basically anywhere f*cking women know their place. All offers to andygray@jobseekers.com_________________

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Deleted Member @ 26/01/2011 15:41  

good one I hope he never gets work again!

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Karey @ 26/01/2011 15:44  

Sexism in football.....bit of a gray area

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Deleted Member @ 26/01/2011 15:51  

Surely it woz just a slip o the tounge ?? its no like he offended everybody, just the ones wi no sence o humour

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Deleted Member @ 26/01/2011 23:44  

Well she must have been busy, reffing the game then doing all the cooking and cleaning.

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Deleted Member @ 26/01/2011 23:50  

well they do say there are great at multi taskin

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Deleted Member @ 26/01/2011 23:52  

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Deleted Member @ 27/01/2011 13:49  

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Deleted Member @ 27/01/2011 13:56  

Following the controversial comments made by Andy Gray and Richard Keys on having a woman lines man, it's now being heard that the female lines 'woman' in question was very upset even before kick off...When she discovered that the referee and the other lines man were wearing the same outfit as her.

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Deleted Member @ 27/01/2011 15:56  

Having successfully introduced female referees to premier league football, the FA are now going to change some of the terminology used:Replace "W4nker" with "Bean-flicker" in the chant "The referee's a....""Flags" are to be replaced with "Flaps".Players no longer "score", instead they "woo" a goal.Teams can no longer have a "substitute" and have to remain faithful to their chosen ones."Red cards" will now be pink.The game will no longer be of two halves but of two periods.And of course, "extra time" is to be replaced with 5 minutes before the match to be known as "fore play".

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Deleted Member @ 27/01/2011 16:05  

in the photo of the three refs... do ya notice how the two male ones look like hte aint got a f***ing clue what they are doing or are meant to be doing.......... says it all really.....

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Deleted Member @ 27/01/2011 18:35  

I ain't saying anything here except all credit to her for succeeding in what is generally taken as being a mans domain. We are supposed to have equality in this day and age after all.

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wheelbarrow @ 27/01/2011 18:45  

Well aye equality, but what is said between mates is not for publication. the w4nkers who filmed and subsequently sold the clips should be out of work and castrated as should the media for whipping this up. All ref's get dogs abuse, so in the interest of equality, so should this woman. Right or wrong doesn't matter, we'll soon not be allowed to think. I am not bigoted or sexist but reserve the right to speak to like minded people in whatever manner I choose. That is all that Andy Grey did.

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whackojacko @ 27/01/2011 19:34  

See, if we outlawed sexism on this site like we're supposed to I wouldn't have tears running down my face at that pic

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Deleted Member @ 27/01/2011 19:39  

We women might like to be thought of as equals, but we all know we're not don't we? The world is full of homophobic, ageist, sexist, racist and whatever elsist pigs, this one just said what no doubt hundreds of thousands of other men were thinking/saying. I can't believe Sky got away with sacking him, being sexist is not an offence, not subjecting people to equal rights is, but I don't think Andy Gray subjected her to anything did he? I don't agree with his attitude at all, but he is entitled to it nevertheless, I'm assuming his comments were off air of course. And exactly, picture is hilarious, because it's a joke, it's the subtle sexism that p*sses me off, 'Mum's go to Iceland' etc. And Dad's do what exactly? Go to the pub, mend the car, earn the money for Mum to spend in Iceland... It's those b*stards that should be sacked not someone who openly says what they think.

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6ypsy @ 27/01/2011 23:46  

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