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Oh dear...

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Oh dear...

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Thought would pop into Arnold for a few mins and parked the bike in a car park - but not in a bay - on some hard standing and (very norty) did not put a ticket on. Got back to the bike and parking ticket slapped on visor, BUT.... it was for not parking in a bay (not for not having a ticket??) and they have put my reg down wrong on the ticket.... wud u pay up and look happy, or with the reg being wrong (they put fx09 and mine is fx08) could it be ignored?? Answers on a post card please

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kazninja @ 06/05/2011 14:31  

It so happens that I know a bit about parking law - if the reg is wrong they cannot prove it was your bike, especially if it is a machine printed ticket. If you receive a notification to pay then ask to see the original ticket - as the person who A) gave you the ticket must have realised their mistake and altered the original (they are supposed to write all circumstances in their notebooks) or B) the tracking system for registered owner came up with 'similar regs' and they picked yours. A parking ticket is a legal binding document and has to be correct in ALL its details .... if you receive one and want to dispute it NEVER fill in the form at the bottom, when you do this you aknowledge the validity and legality of the document, - vicious circle - dispute by photocopying, pointing out what is wrong, and the fact of it being legally binding etc..... Wardens etc HATE giving tickets for not displaying payment on bikes because - well where do you stick the payticket without it being nicked? Also little known is the fact that a bike can share a paid for space, while the payee is present, so if it fits next to a car (safely) you can park in the same bay - watch out for this one as some councils are making changes to that loophole.

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scootagirl @ 06/05/2011 14:50  


Thats nice to know Scoot thanks ... many a time at Matlock we park 4 bikes to a bay ... so 1 ticket would cover all 4 bikes ?

You could always say the ticket was nicked Kaz, but as scoot says if the reg is wrong I would dispute it .... tho they usually take photos as well of the vehicle so that would show your reg

what we always do is get a ticket when we park & photograph with phone the ticket and have the numberplate in view too ... then if it ever does go missing we have proof that we did have one ... never had to try to use it as proof so dunno if it would work lol

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Deleted User @ 06/05/2011 17:10  

AS I said - lots of councils are trying to close the loophole but most - if you park one bike with a ticket, as long as that bike stays, you can park as many bikes as you like AS LONG AS ALL WHEELS FIT WITHIN THE WHITE LINES - same goes for parking meters - and residents permits but PLEASE check with your local parking authorities, although they have a tendency to lie. Even if they take photos the onus is on the ticketer to get the ticket right! I have successfully argued this point in court twice - and won twice! Other free places to park - other peoples land - often outside shops/businesses etc you will see the pavement is a different colour right at the wall - this strip belongs to the business and you can park on it as long as there is 3ft of clearance between your bike and the kerb and your wheels fit on it, however if the business owner or their representative asks you to move it you do have to move it. These are all useful things to know but generally the parking wardens DONT know them so you end up having to go to court to get out of the ticket - ask yourself, is it worth it first LOL Sorry to be a parking bore x

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scootagirl @ 06/05/2011 17:27  

thats really interesting Scoots thanks for this chick - and must admit when at matlock never buy a ticket!! if anyone said owt we would say someone nicked it.!!!.. but these days park on road bit where ya dont need tickets..... but that is well interesting about sharing a space an jus havin one ticket......good plan Shell plus seems only fair that you pay for the bay rather than the vehicle in it ps. i would wait to see what comes in post kaz......i dunno its a tricky one chick...x

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Deleted Member @ 06/05/2011 17:52  

Ohhhh still dont knw what to do - if reg is wrong wil they find me ???

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kazninja @ 06/05/2011 18:14  

bin the ticket and buy something nice with the money you saved

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Big Al.. @ 06/05/2011 18:18  

i had parking ticket years ago which i never paid and when i joined nhs i thougth my crb check would have big print letters.... unpaid parking fine hahahaha... never heard owt about it and never paid it either...... not sure how i got away with it but it seemed to just dissapear with time so i wouldnt worry too much and if reg is wrong as scootagirl says they probs aint got leg to stand on... see if one in post has proper reg maybe chick x

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Deleted Member @ 06/05/2011 18:22  

if its not the reg of your bike then its not your bad,, !!

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Boodyblues @ 06/05/2011 19:05  

Dunno cos it was for not being in a bay not for not having a ticket .... CAB ? Or free advice in a phone call off solicitor?

Let us know what you decide tho hon n good luck

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Deleted User @ 06/05/2011 19:05  

question , what about 2 trikes in a bay ? is that sill 1 ticket , also round here , bikes are free still

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Jack Jones @ 06/05/2011 21:21  

Ok, the whole parking thing is a tricky one, generally the rule is you are paying for the BAY - if you are not in a bay and you get a payticket you can still be fined - bacause you are not in a bay! You are more likely to get a ticket for not parking in a bay than for not having a ticket - dependant on whether it is a private company or traffic wardens, its about revenue and how easily they can prove their case if you appeal. The most important thing to remember when parking mutiple vehicles in a bay is that all your wheels - and the whole wheel - must be within the white lines! Also, if mcycle bays are provided and available you have to park in them, provided you fit! Loading Only bays - you can park in loading only bays if you remember the golden rules, C.A.R. which stands for Constant, you must return to the bike within a reasonable amount of time (wardens give you 3 minutes from their arrival at the vehicle but you have up to 20 mins to complete your loading) Adjacent - you must be next to or as close as possible to the place you are visiting, Relative, what you are 'loading' must be relative to the vehicle you are parking. In the case of mcycles that means you can pop into a shop for a pack of fags and still get away with saying you were 'loading' . This does not work for trikes, you need a least a shoppig bag of things. It used to be that if you 'popped your boot' (on a car) you were regarded as loading, with the increase of sticky fingered passersby that is no longer regarded as practical but if you have an empty topbox or pannier you can prop that open. Remember also, once a warden has started logging a ticket they are unable to stop - whether they want to or not, (if you want to know more about how the whole ticketing process works feel free to ask) so there is no point arguing there and then. Me - I tend to park where I like cos I am prepared to argue my point in court if necessary.

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scootagirl @ 07/05/2011 13:06  

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