Hello I wanted to suggest that it would be better if everyone put a picture/pictures on their profiles. I know it's a daunting thought as I am not photopretty at all , however, it is much nicer to put a face to the person you are chatting to. Not to offend anyone but, what is the point in putting a picture on with your lid/crasher/helmet on? Lets get faces on the profiles - we are what we are , I'm finally getting to grips with that. Please don't think this is a 'dig' in any way - only a suggestion. Excited to see all the new faces - hopefully come on don't be shy
Would love to read your thoughts on this........................ xxxx ps sorrry for my extensive use of the emotion faces, I'm addicted to using them
I am the world's worst at having my photo taken, but if you look in my profile even I've managed a few. I hate them all of course, but they're there.
It is nice to see folks faces. You could be chatting away to someone in the chatroom or PMs and then walk straight past them in the street or at an event - what's the point in that? Come on folks, be brave. If you don't think you're that attractive so what? If people are only attracted to you because of what you look like then they are probably not the kind of people you'd want a relationship with anyway
its one now, but dont be scared, its not agood one!!
sat at desk in office with my works camera!!!
going to get a few more as i go one, and change em now and again!!
oh boy i am sooooooo not photogenic!!!!
Scary really!!
I hate having my picture taken but thought there was no point in being on here without it!! Tis only one I have at the moment but it will have to do!! :-)
Think its a good idea for sure,I hate mine been taken yet got some on here that mate took for a photo shoot at her home,bloody hated every minute of it and oh boy .....I blacked out at the end of it
Made me laugh though when she loaded them up on her computure as said oi that aint me dont look ought like um how much photo shop you used on them
1st time posting but here goes.
Have to agree about pics but as a few seem to have said I think its the reason, in my case, why no one replies to any pm's. I think I'm scaring everyone away.
i think it a good idear so we can per look at who we are chating to and i have to say there are some very hansome men on here o yes ans some very hot ladys too think u lot would win best looking biker site coppertison if there was one