Yup .. .. me coming me coming.
Free barby food so Im not gonna eat till then
Come on you local lot !!!!!!!!!!! get orf yer bums
Im gonna spend an hour later sending this thread link to peeps local ish......
So if yer get it contact Brig for more details.
No wonder them Norfen lot attempt to make fun coz we dont have meets, ride ahts, tear ups, bimbles, bumbles etc.
I spent more time in t midlands in last 4 months than dahn here on me bike !!!!!!!
Ah free food
Eerrrrrrr , ummmm, well its like this,
I might have s t r e t c h e d it a tad. Although its free if you get someone to buy it for ya heehee
Got your interest tho' dinnit
Hey all - I only just read the message today - Sunday - from Tony!! Thanx for including me. I would have liked to have ridden out - particularly as the rain had cleared up by then - in our area anyway :) Please let me know of any meets/rideouts and I'll do my best to come along xx
The quiz finally ended, although I didn't really pay attention as to who won... Think we got something like 52 points. Even the landlady got bored so I doubt the next one, if any, will be as long!