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BM Website Issues/Help Requests

Black squiggles gone missing!

Black squiggles gone missing! - Forums [Biker Match] Black squiggles gone missing! - Forums [Biker Match]
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Black squiggles gone missing!

 Posts: 6       Pages: 1/1

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Why when i updated my profile did I loose the black squiggles on posts I have posted on in the various forums ?

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potnoodles @ 06/08/2011 22:16  

Thats totally weird - now I have posted again they have all come back.....

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potnoodles @ 06/08/2011 22:17  

Oooooh out world. Noodles keeps losing his squiggles

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Alice2 @ 06/08/2011 23:18  

sounds painful ,use ointment! or see dr Mod

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bkr @ 07/08/2011 08:49  

How are your squiggles today, noodles ????

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Alice2 @ 07/08/2011 22:22  

Why when i updated my profile did I loose the black squiggles? Perhaps it was all those potnoodles?

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Sandi @ 08/08/2011 23:36  

 Posts: 6       Pages: 1/1

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