Site financials, keeping you in the picture
As this is YOUR site, with YOUR content and run from YOUR contributions, I thought I should let you know how the site is doing financially (As we are nearly one year into the life of BikerMatch).
Financial information from July 2006 (Launch date) until March 31st 2007 shows that BikerMatch made a £-797.64 loss.
Not to worry though, as this includes all the initial advertising and low initial income. 2007-2008 is looking well so far, but only time and further support will tell.
Thanks to everyone who has contributed so far to help get the website started.
Kind Regards,~Matt
Most businesses don't make a profit until the end of the second year so it's not surprising this one hasn't either, just gotta keep at it Matt.
You're doing a grand job so far
As I keep going on (like a pit bull, dont let go) this site is less than a diet coke per week. Excelent entertainment value in my books. I have had some of the best laughs in ages on here.
Keep up the good work Matt.