Off for a (short) ride fri a.m. Finnish work 8am so leaving Darlington 9-915am Heading north west to Dumfries via as few majour roads as poss (through staindrop, middleton-in- teesdale, (cafe stop 1) Alston, back up to carlise (avoid m6 et cetera) longtown, Newton, ay, poss Maybe forest cafe For cake/ coffee stop 2, Dumfries. Then poss coast ish Alll very informal. Company welcome!
My fella & me would be up fpr this, but maybe after xmas so if you plan another 1 pleeeeeeeeease let me know. I have a Brother in Dumfries, and my chap rides a 125 so he cant do Motorway... Not been up on the bike yet!
Ok, hopefully,
meeting at junc 58, A1M/A 68, @9:15-30,
head through west auckland, toft hill, middleton-in-teesdale,
alston, north to old roman road via A689,A6071, then north on minour roads to lockerbie, to head south into dumfries on A709.
obviously this will never work, and will deviate from route lots avoiding rain, and popping into cake shops.
but its nice to have a plan!!
forget old yeti - more like hansel and gretel following a trail of cake!! did you misunderstand when someone explained that a sponge would soak up all the rain??!!
have a great time matey x
We did have a great time.
Rain threatened nr Penrith but never materialised.
Some brill roads taken at speeds I would not have attempted on my own, but with Mark leading, so much easier - cheers mate
And thanks for the cuppa!
Lunch at Dumfries sat by the weir watching the gulls feeding off the fishes in t'river.
Magic day
Glad you got back ok XK Yes we were very lucky with the rain, And it's still dry here over the border!
Such a nice change to ride the Middleton- Alston- hartside- Penrith Route . In the dry, without a single other bike passing us either way Or even at hartside!