Who’s interested in Camping
Weekend down here in Central Southern England next year?
Hi all I’m new to this
site, and more so to this err on line dating malarkey so be gentle with me ladies . <o:p></o:p>
But I’m not new to
organizing camping weekends for motorcycle clubs.Here are a few details of my motorcycling background if it helps you to decide whether or not you'd like to come or not In my previous position as the
Public Relations Officer, committee member and a founder member of a motorcycle club
here in the <st1:country-region w:st="on" style="font-family: Verdana;"><st1:place w:st="on">UK</st1:place></st1:country-region> in 1995 that grew and spread to gaining members join from a few places around the world and is still
going well 17 years later. Winning coveted awards for best club stands, best bikes at National and international classic bike shows here in the UK (Stafford) plus other events and shows. Having the club and my bike at the time published in much of the motorcycle press. I have found biker friendly sites, hotel & venues used for AGM's and camping weekends, sorted out the catering and much of the other stuff needed to turn a old bike gathering in a field for a weekend into a great camping and biking weekend for over a hundred bikers (l left this club in 2002 due to not having the type
of bike and having a big off) . I'm still involved in my local motorcycle club for the last 16 years as an active committee member, touring secretary for the last year but I hope to pass that over in January and become editor for the club's newsletter.
Anyway… as I was saying,,,
I find it enjoyable and fairly easy
putting on an event for people who have a passion for the same thing as I do. Like
most events they seem to happen miles away from right down here on the hot sunny
<st1:place w:st="on"><st1:placename w:st="on">South</st1:placename> <st1:placetype w:st="on">Coast</st1:placetype></st1:place> lol <o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
Yes ok many can travel 100’s
of miles but some can’t, therefore, if there are enough people interested I
could look into sorting out a camping weekend next year. <o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
Obviously I will need numbers
of people who are only interested at this stage <o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
Cheers Fred from right
down eeer. <o:p></o:p> I wonder how long it will be before someone on here susses out what bike I had and what the club was that I helped form lol
Hi Fred, welcome to BM. Sounds like a plan and depending on dates, etc I'm interested. If you need any help with anything feel free to contact me or any other members of the Events Team.
Thanks guys and cheers Simon, I didn't know there is an events team on here cos "I'm only new" I was thinking maybe the Barge Inn next to the Kennet & Avon Canal in a little hamlet called Honey Street in the Vale of Pewsy http://www.the-barge-inn.com/index.php However, last year they told me I couldn't book a a party of campers except for an area at the end of the site? But when I went again a few months back it was closed for refurbishment, I've returned since it reopened to find new owners and it is much better inside now. The size of the site maybe too small depending on the amount of interest or actual numbers who turn up, that's if they allow large groups now.
I thinks it's too early to choose a venue at this moment in time but I was thinking Hampshire/Wiltshire/Dorset/West Sussex borders.
So people of the sunny south this is our chance to get something off the ground for us down eeer for one
Sounds good Fred we dont have enough events in the south so get organizing, dont think you would need any help but i'm always willing to help with any thing if you do
eyup & welcome to BM Fred
Dive in with ya boots on & you'll have a great time.
Camping down your neck of the woods sounds great - we had a weeks camping down in Cornwall earlier on this year which was a great laugh.
Depends on dates for me & if they collide with the racing calendar, but I'm sure you'll get lots of people interested as we do tend to travel around a lot
& if you're feeling brave we have a camping weekend this weekend near Boston - check out the link: http://www.bikermatch.co.uk/sites/bm/events/event_details.asp?event_id=1813
Come & Say Hi - there's quite a few Newbies coming along & we promise not to scare ya....too much anyway
Bill I'm confused (again) how can this event have taken place?
Big Fred said:
Who’s interested in Camping Weekend down here in Central Southern England next year?
nah U was right sandi! soz Bill!
A camping weekend a great idea this way..I for one would travel along. I am looking myself to do the Great Dorset Steam Fair and am just going to add it to diary.