Just arrived through the post my new RED topped v5 bike certificate. I read the letter it came with and it says there was a theft of a load of green certificates ,dont know if it appeals to all areas ,no doubt it will. Ilive just south of glasgow . ANYONE ELSE got one yet? m
got the new style one with my new toy a couple of months ago, got one through for the car but still waiting for the other bikes one to come through - suppose our taxes have to be spent on summit
got a few come though for bikes and car dont see how changing them will help if your buying and it has a V5 you will still buy it then you find out later its nicked or ringed
expect I'll be getting 1 of the new ones through the post shortly for the Beemer, what already suprised me was the new style MOT certificate that came with the bike
YEH it surprised me the new one thought it was a scam. SHELL acording to attatched letter the old one should be disposed of.[not binned unless shredded eh?].
Looks that way Sandi. I bought my bike in March and received the red V5 at the time, unless they were planning to change them anyway and the theft is just an excuse for wasting money.
Paperless that is the way things are going.
I read somewhere, I think MCN web site, that it has been proposed to do away with insurance certificates, paper part driving licences etc. This apparently to embrass the computer age. All these details are held on central data bases making cetificates not worth the paper they are written on. Number plate recognition tells all. If you are buying a vehicle it is best to do the relevent validity checks.
I do like to have the paper work!