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Newbies Forum

Calv's Virtual Round

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Calv's Virtual Round

 Posts: 12       Pages: 1/1

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Not sure of the nettiquette on this forum so as is customary on most bike sites a newcomer must get a vitual round in. So hi everyone drinks are on me, soapy tenner benhind the bar fill your boots. What is everyones poison?

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d-w-b-h @ 06/01/2012 16:26  

OOOOOOo welcome to BM dwbh - we like you already if you're getting a round in mine's a real ale or a Guinness tvm Dive in with ya boots on & you'll have a great time - there's loads planned for this year already - check out the events calendar & hopefully we'll see ya at some of em PS - don't eat the crayons!

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Holmfirthgirl @ 06/01/2012 16:34  

Awww I can't eat the crayons, nooooo I love crayons.
My room is now covered in post it notes of things I need to do on the bike this year. Sort of reminds me of the scene out of Bruce almighty

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d-w-b-h @ 06/01/2012 16:53  

hi welcome to bm jump in have fun enjoy

redbull for me please x

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kaycat @ 06/01/2012 17:49  

Baileys over Ice please. Tis a winter drink for sure. Or Hot Choccie with a large Brandy in the bottom.

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Deleted Member @ 06/01/2012 18:39  

Weeell..just finished my bottle of blackberry vodka ..but a nice glass of red will be fine, ta !!

from the piemeister !!!

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Alice2 @ 06/01/2012 21:02  

A nice malt whisky, thanks (Just the one pint, I gotta cold comin on)

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Deleted Member @ 06/01/2012 23:10  

Hello d-w-b-h and a warm welcome to biker match. How kind of you to offer - maybe not such a good idea when you meet us all . My usual poison is a wee low flying bird = a Grouse with diet irun bru made from guurdersss . Anyhow, hope you enjoy the site, the are loads of forums to get involved in and details on the events page about rallies and things going on all over the country. Most importantly, have fun x

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BOBKAT @ 07/01/2012 14:52  

Hey dwbh, I'll ave a Mr JD & Miss C pse (double) Have fun

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bomb doctor @ 09/01/2012 10:22  

Slow blurke ! ah moet if youre buying and the keys to the sprint ! <grin> xx

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AmandaRC8 @ 27/01/2012 18:32  

34 posts.....I'll get em in......Took your bloody time didn't ya Calv.... Double Southern Comfort an I'll forgive ya.. Just get XK a double beechams with lemon....on the rocks.. Now I can say..Welcome to the site mate.

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old red @ 27/01/2012 18:44  

nice large glass of magners for me please!

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kwakgirl @ 27/01/2012 22:13  

 Posts: 12       Pages: 1/1

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