Glad to see that the Highways Agency and assorted counclis learned the lessons of last year --- M62 closed due to snow / fog, Snake Pass closed due to snow and ice, Woodhead pass closed due to snow and ice ...
Anyone hoping to cross the Pennines this evening (and all of this afternoon come to that!) - forget it !
We only knew for three days that it was going to snow ....
Here it was peeing it down with rain yesterday and at one point there were light flakes of snow in with the rain.
Roll on Spring, well...what passes for it these days.
Ah, Snake Pass....that hardy perennial of a closed road in t'winter, since I were knee high to a grasshopper.
Weird how Sweden, Norway and other countries manage to keep roads and airports open but we can't manage to keep the one road we definitely know is tricky in the winter open!